Saturday, 2 July 2016

Good Vibes Only

It's raining - pouring, actually. The world beyond my window looks dreary and bleak right now, but that's alright, because while the rain lashes against my window I'm sitting under a blanket with my fairy lights illuminating my room, and everything just feels right.
Today, I want to talk about a quote I love. Three words: Good vibes only.
It's a very simple quote, and an even simpler concept - In life, you only have room for positivity.

Positivity is what makes the world spin. It's what makes us happy and what puts us in good positions. If we surround ourselves with negative people, thoughts, and energies, then we are bound to feel negative feelings. There's no two ways about it; Good vibes are infectious.
Unfortunately, so are the bad vibes. They're unavoidable, but there are some steps we can take to reduce the amount of negativity in our lives and increase the positivity: it's hard work, but worth it.

Sometimes, you just have to say, "enough is enough" and walk away. Sometimes, you have to be ruthless. Sometimes, you have to think, "they're not worth my energy". And that can be very, very hard to do! The other day, I was walking out of a shop and I passed by a small group of young teenagers - I can guess they were about thirteen - and they called me a skinhead because of my shaved/balding hair. But it didn't bother me. If this had happened a year ago, I probably would have cried - All my insecurities and worries would have bubbled up and overwhelmed me.
I got into the car, and thought, "They aren't worth my time". And while I do lie in bed and think about how my balding head must look to other people, I know that those little kids aren't worth my energy.
I won't let their negative vibes into my life - I have no room for hateful people. I have no room for people who bring me down. I have no room for people who make me uncomfortable. I have no room for negativity.

Let me make one thing clear; I love the people I have in my life. I love my friends and my family. I am not looking for an excuse to cut anyone out of my life or say, "You're bringing me down". But when you find yourself in a place that you don't like, it's okay to take a step back and say, "I need some space".

Before my diagnosis of cancer, I was not in a good place, mentally. You might be surprised to hear that, because for most people a cancer diagnosis would simply worsen things - but I find myself much better, nowadays. Maybe because I am too distracted, but either way, I like to think I have helped myself. I like to think that the vibes I am allowing into my life are affecting me positively.
I was in a rut. I felt like I had nothing to turn to and nowhere to go. I was crushed with loneliness and yet I had everyone around me. It's like being in a box - a glass, soundproof box, and you're running out of oxygen. You can fight and kick and scream, but nobody notices that you're running out of time.
The realization didn't come until after my diagnosis of cancer, that there was a correlation of good people and good things in my life. My thoughts became better, my mood became better - And it all started with a bit of mentality change and the realization that I am worth the effort.

That's right: I'm worth the effort. And so are you - Everyone is worth the effort.
We're often taught to think of others before ourselves, and yeah, this is not a bad thing. It's good to be selfless, but it's not wrong to be selfish when it comes to your own happiness. You should not sacrifice your happiness for other people, places, things or situations. If it makes you unhappy, try to avoid it as much as you can - you have to make your own happiness, but it's worth doing.

"A beautiful heart creates a beautiful person"
Just a little art piece of mine.

I will keep this entry short, because I know I will be talking more about positivity in the near future. That and, this entry may have been a bit disjointed and all-over-the-place, but I'm just having one of those days.
The main point I want to get across in this entry is that it is okay to devote time to making yourself happy. It is okay to take steps to improve your life. You are worth it.

We're all worth it. Keep smiling.

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